


Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Sep 19 2023 at 11:30AM PDT in Fall 2023

The meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held August 8th, 2023, at Hobgood Park, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 6:30 P.M.

Board Members Present: Norman Thiem, Randy Bergman, James Bauch, Dan Bonham, Dick O’Connor, Robbie Crider, Dewey Hom, Ray DeLuca, Maria Burden, Marty Aftewicz, Leland Brown, John Humeston and Steve Fleming.
Board Members Bob Werner, Mike Maguire, Mike Parson were absent.

A. Minutes of the July 3rd, 2023 meeting, having been emailed to all, were Board approved.
B. Treasurer’s Report: An updated report will be emailed later for approval.

C. Hall of Fame: Ray DeLuca, representing the Hall of Fame (HOF) committee presented a first draft of requirements and guidelines for the CSSA HOF. The draft was discussed, revisions proposed, and it was agreed that at the next B.O.D. meeting, the details and procedures would be confirmed and voted upon so that the first inductees could be nominated and voted in before the 2023 banquet where HOF inductions will take place.

D. Fee Waiver for 80-UP Club Members: It was discussed and approved by the B.O.D. that members of the 80-UP club will each be granted a waiver of fees for one league per season. The waivers became effective for the fall 2023 season. Funding comes from the CSSA charity fund.

E. Rule Update: Pitching Around the Screen: This proposal is to make the rule consistent with the “Pitcher must remain behind the screen” rule to help ensure player safety, and not allow an unfair advantage to the pitcher. Several proposals were presented and discussed at length, with the following rule update agreed upon:
First violation (pitching around the screen) in game:
Penalty: Dead ball, ball on batter, warning to pitcher.
Second violation:
Penalty: Dead ball, ball on batter, all runners advance ONE base. Pitcher removed from pitching position for remainder of game.
The rule update was voted upon and was approved by the Board of Directors.

The meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The September B.O.D. meeting date and location will be determined later.


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