March 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
March 4, 2024
The meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held Monday, March 4th, 2024, at Ralphs Zucca Pizza, Kennesaw, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 6:40 P.M.
Board Members Present: Norman Thiem, Mike Parson, Dick O’Connor, Robbie Crider, Maria Burden, Marty Aftewicz, Randy Bergman, Dan Bonham, and Ray DeLuca.
Board Members Mike Maguire, Dewey Hom, John Humeston, Paul Markley, Steve Fleming and James Bauch were absent.
A. Minutes of the February 5, 2023 meeting were Board approved.
B. Treasurer Report: Norman Thiem presented a profit and loss statement. The charity fund is robust, and Spring 2024 player fees are 70% in.
C. Sponsor Report: As in previous years, some sponsors are leaving, but new ones are coming on board. Of the 46 teams in 8 leagues, 28 have paid their sponsor fees and 18 are unpaid. The sponsor page on TeamPages will be updated soon.
D. Evaluations: The evaluation weekend yielded 36 new players, and in the end about 45 total new players joined as people found out about CSSA after tryouts and wanted to play.
E. 80-Ups Fee Waiver: Mike Maguire proposed that all players who are 80+ should have their fees waived for all leagues in which they play. The Board voted to make it so, with the caveat that the board will vote each year to approve the fee waivers, based upon resources available. Currently there are about 18 players that are 80+.
F. Jersey Orders: Teams with new sponsors need to have their jersey orders in by Friday, March 8th, and existing sponsored teams that need any additional jersey orders should have them in by Thursday, March 7th.
G. Rainout Protocols: The Board decided that rainouts would be confirmed by 4:00 p.m. for evening games.
H. League Specific Rules: Norman Thiem reminded all League Directors that League Specific Rules are now due, so they can be distributed to scorekeepers and umpires before first games are played. The Board confirmed that regarding home plate, with the ball in the catcher’s hand, and the catcher’s foot being anywhere on the home plate, it is an out and the runner is out.
I. Gloves for God: Ray DeLuca announced that Wes LeCroix needs 400 gloves to be donated (used, new, etc.) for this worthy organization.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. The next meeting date and location TBD.