April 8, 2024
The meeting of the CSSA Board of Directors was held Monday, April 8th, 2024, at Wicked Wings, Kennesaw, and called to order by Norman Thiem at 6:33 P.M.
Board Members Present: Norman Thiem, Maria Burden, Steve Fleming, Mike Maguire, Paul Markley, Dick O’Connor, Mike Parson, Dewey Hom, John Humeston, Robbie Crider, Dan Bonham, and Ray DeLuca.
Board Members Marty Aftewicz, Randy Bergman and James Bauch were absent.
A. Minutes of the March 4, 2024 meeting were Board approved.
B. Treasurer Report: Mike Maguire presented a profit and loss statement with comparison to the previous year. The statement was Board approved.
C. Sponsor Update: Ray DeLuca brought the board up to date on sponsors and payment of sponsor fees that have been made and are still outstanding will be reconciled with Treasurer Mike Maguire. We now have 46 teams in 8 leagues.
D. Pitching Screen Rules: The Board discussed how to clarify the pitching screen rules as relates to the maximum number of times a batter can hit the screen for each at bat and the maximum number of swings allowed so that reasonable game length is maintained. Dick O’Connor will send an email to the board with language for how the rule can be clarified and how screen hits are being called on the field.
E. Hall of Fame Committee: Members of the HOF committee Ray DeLuca, Mike Parson and Dick O’Connor will meet soon to assemble this year’s nominees so there will be plenty of time to complete the nomination, voting and induction process before the banquet at the end of the year.
F. Excess Balls for Sale: CSSA has extra batting practice balls for sale at $50 per dozen.
G. Board Member Search Committee: Ray DeLuca, Dewey Hom, Mike Maguire and Paul Markley will make up a search committee to seek out new board members to fill Board of Director positions that will be opening up soon.
H. CSSA Member Assistance: The Board discussed ways to assist a member who is seeking new employment as their current employer is closing.
I. Tom Ballard’s Memorial Service: Services will be held on Wedesday, April 17th at 11:00 a.m. at Woodstock Funeral Home.
The meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m. The next meeting date is May 6th, location TBD.