

Nov Board Meeting

Posted by Dewey Hom on Dec 02 2014 at 05:31AM PST in Fall 2014

CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
November 3, 2014

Present: George Stroh, Commissioner; Paul Knotts, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary; Dewey Hom, Treasurer; Terry Cartledge, American League Director; Peter Fowler, National League Director; Mike Ryan, Lowell Lawson League Director; Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director;

Absent: Ray DeLuca, Senior League Director; Bill Corridori, Legends League Director (Interim); Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Warren Butler, American League Director (Interim); Ken Taylor, Player Representative

George Stroh called the meeting to order at 6:38p.m.

Secretary: Minutes read and discussed. Minutes passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report: Beginning amount 24,408.11(adjusted) Ending amount 17,808.34.
Treasurers Report accepted and passed unanimously.

Topics Discussed:

Ÿ Web site: Banquet information is listed on the web site. 108 pre-paid for banquet

Ÿ Banquet: Banquet is scheduled for 6:30 November 8th, 2014. All tickets are $10.00 per person. $10.00 at the door. Bedoe’s BBQ is catering the banquet. To be held at Canton Moose Lodge.

a. 10 $25.00 Gift cards will be raffled.

b. Sponsors, umpires, and scorekeepers are guest of the CSSA.

c. Awards/trophy’s have been ordered.

Ÿ Fall elections: Election for Board of Directors members will be held the night of the banquet. (Need to be a paying member in order to qualify to vote) See Addendum A.

The following members having been nominated and having no opposition will be voted on by the members by November 8, 2014.

National League: Pete Fowler (incumbent)
American League: Warren Butler
Senior League: Ray DeLuca (incumbent)
Master League: Ron O’Donnell (incumbent)
Legacy League: Randy Bergman
Lowell Lawson: Mike Ryan (incumbent)
Legends League: Bill Corridori
Players Representative: Terry Cartledge

Ÿ Ending Season Games: Only American League have games to make up on 11/4/14.

Other business: These items were discussed and were tabled for further discussion.

Ÿ Softballs: Need to decide on type of softballs and bats that will be allowed for the 2015 Spring and Fall season. The board discussed the pros and cons of using 52/300, 44/375, 40/375 ASA softballs. Also the pro and cons of switching to a yellow softball rather than a white softball.

Ÿ Kelly’s Ultimate Sports is having a sell on softball bats.

Next meeting December 1, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. at the Recreation Center.

Adjourned at 7:41 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Glenn H. Peacock
CSSA Secretary

Addendum A

The following members were elected to the Cherokee Senior Softball Association Board of Directors by the members present 8 November, 2014.

Commissioner: Dewey Hom
Vice Commissioner: Paul Knotts
Secretary: Glenn Peacock
Treasurer: Ken Taylor
Player Representative: Terry Cartledge