CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
Present: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Paul Knotts, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary; Ken Taylor, Treasurer; Peter Fowler, National League Director; Warren Butler, American League Director; Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Mike Ryan, Lowell Lawson League Director; Terry Cartledge, Player Representative
Conference Call: Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director;
Absent: Ray DeLuca, Senior League Director; Interim Legends League Director;
Dewey Hom called the meeting to order at 6:33 pm
Secretary Minutes: Read and discussed, voted on unanimously to accept as presented.
Treasurers Report: Beginning balance $22,487.00. Ending balance $16,445.39
Revenue: $2,266.29
Expenditures: $8,308.00
Treasurers Report was discussed and voted on unanimously to accept as presented.
Topics discussed:
Bats being on the ground and leading to potential interference calls was discussed. The board discussed the use of bat racks that can be attached to the fences so that softball bats won’t be on the ground leading to potential interference plays. The National League will begin using the portable bat racks.
Sliding/peeling off into second base is still a work in progress. The umpires will continue to use their own discretion on making the call and the timing of the play as it develops. The runner should either slide or peel off to the outfield side on any force close plays at second base. The concern for the safety of the players is our utmost priority.
Speed of Play. All teams should continue to play the games in a most deliberate manner. On deck batters should be ready to bat and/or pick up bats used by the previous batter. Also, pinch runners should be inserted into the game as soon as possible so not to delay the playing of the game.
Sub Committee Report: Ray DeLuca will continue as Interim Legends Director.
Discussion on the elections of League Directors and Board of Director members. It is the goal of the Board to have elections take place before the yearly Fall Banquet while assuring that all members have the opportunity to vote.
Creating a new Lowell Lawson award was discussed. Paul Knotts will provide to the board a description and criteria that a recipient would have to meet in order to receive said award. Once submitted, the board will vote on acceptance.
League updates:
National League:
Pete Fowler informed the board that we only have enough softballs to support a ten game Fall season.
American League:
Made up rain out games. Having a tight race for first place.
Master League:
Any ties that result after the end of the scheduled season play, will lead to games being played immediately after last scheduled game. (i.e. approximately 9:30 pm and/or 10:30 pm) that night.
Senior League:
No issues
Legends League:
No issues
Legacy League:
No issues
Lowell Lawson League:
No issues
Other Topics:
Discussion to expand the age groups for players to 48-49 years of age. No decision has been made as of this report. To be discussed further.
20th anniversary CSSA shirts are on sale at Hobgood Park on game days. $15.00 for one or $25.00 for two. Members are encouraged to purchase shirts to help defray the cost of shirts.
A proposal for setup of the banquet by Paul Knotts was made. He proposed that a banquet fee credit be issued for those who are involved in the setup and/or take down. This would further enable those who have a problem affording the banquet be able to enjoy the festivities. This would include wives/partners. To be discussed at future meeting.
Next meeting July 13, 2015. All are welcome to attend.
Adjourned at 8:35pm
Respectfully submitted by
Glenn H. Peacock