News & Announcements


February Meeting

by Dewey Hom, 2015-02-07T16:52:28.000-08:00February 07 2015, at 04:52 PM PST in Fall 2014

CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
February 2, 2015

Present: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Paul Knotts, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary; Ken Taylor, Treasurer; Peter Fowler, National League Director; Warren Butler, American League Director; Bill Corridori, Legends League Director;Ray DeLuca, Senior League Director; Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director; Mike Ryan, Lowell Lawson League Director; Terry Cartledge, Player Representative

Dewey Hom called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm

Dewey Hom emphasize the need to follow Roberts Rule during the board meeting.

Quorum: 7 or more board members.

If we have a quorum and the time required to wait has been met, 2/3 of the votes are needed to pass any amendments. Abstentions or absent board members do not count in the total.

Majority votes carries on all other topics.

Secretary Minutes: Read and discussed, voted on unanimously to accept as presented.

Treasurers Report: Beginning balance $8,353.79 Ending balance $8,853.79
Treasurers Report was discussed and voted on unanimously to accept as presented.

Topics discussed:
Insurance: Ken Taylor presented prices on General Liability Insurance for CSSA. Gives the association legal protection and gives the organization legal representation. The CSSA can only be sued the amount of monies in the treasury.

Directors and Officers are protected $1,000,000 at a cost of $400.00 per year.

Pete Fowler made a motion to increase the Directors and Officers (D&O) to $2,000,000 at approximately $800.00 yearly and to implement General Liability Insurance at approximately $640.00 yearly.
Passed unanimously.

Ron O’Donnell spoke to Attorney Andrew Jones a personnel injury attorney.
Attorney Jones said there is an “inherit risk waiver form is the first line of defense. Recommended having a pitcher liability waiver clause”

Motion made for remittance to Ron O’Donnell $100.00 for the cost of Andrew Jones information. Passed.

Ken Taylor presented a revised liability waiver form including pitcher recommendation to wear protective gear when playing.

Motion by Pete Fowler to repeal the rule using the pitching net in the American League.
Voted on motion from last meeting that American League remove pitching nets as per Warren Butler requested.
Passed 9-1.

Other Topics:

Ray DeLuca still collecting sponsors and sponsors entry fee for this upcoming season.

Pete Fowler designing 20th anniversary shirt. Prices range from $3.75 to $6.75.
Motion made to allow Pete Fowler authorization to order shirts. Passed unanimously.
Pete Fowler will provide a proof for next board meeting.

Purchase of a Banner to be displayed at Hopgood Park commemorating the CSSA 20th anniversary.

Ron O’Donnell brought to the attention of the board the misspelling of Sosebee on trophy presented to them. Corrections will be made.
Motion made and passed unanimously to reimburse Ron O’Donnell for the correction.

Practice Fields:
Week of February 16th National League teams will have full access to field #4
Week of February 23rd American League teams will have full access to field #4
Week of March 2nd Master League and Legacy teams will have full access to field #4
Check with your Director to schedule date and time for your team to practice.

Draft Dates:
National League Wednesday after the final tryout.
American League February 21st.
Master League February 24th
Legacy League February 27th or 28th.
All dates are subject to change.

Schedules: Pete Fowler will make every effort to have available upcoming season schedule.
Season is scheduled to start the week of March 23rd, 2015.

Future Topics:
CPR and Defibrillator training to be offered to all scorekeepers and any other CSSA members.
Collection of team entry fees.

Next meeting March 2, 2015. All are welcome to attend.

Adjourned at 8:08pm

Respectfully submitted by
Glenn H. Peacock

Past Announcements

January Minutes

2015-01-12 12:01 PST by Dewey Hom

CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
January 5, 2015
Present: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Paul Knott... [more]

December Meeting Minutes

2015-01-02 05:24 PST by Dewey Hom

CSSA Board of Directors MeetingDecember 1, 2014
Present: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Paul Knott... [more]

George Stroh

2014-12-19 06:54 PST by Dewey Hom

George Stroh, 70, of Woodstock, passed away December 12, 2014. Arrangements by SouthCare Cremation & Funeral Society. Memoria... [more]

Nov Board Meeting

2014-12-02 05:31 PST by Dewey Hom

CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
November 3, 2014
Present: George Stroh, Commissioner; Paul K... [more]

Photo Albums

No photos are uploaded at the moment.

Team Record






Last Five Games
Tue, Oct 21 at Custom Graphics (W) 15 - 27
Tue, Oct 14 at Cartledge Consulting ( Stats )
Tue, Oct 07 vs. Atlanta Recycling (W) 20 - 19
Tue, Sep 30 at Sidelines (L) 21 - 16
Tue, Sep 23 vs. Custom Graphics (W) 22 - 21


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