News and Announcements

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All practices cancelled tonight

Posted by Dewey Hom at Mar 7, 2017 1:27PM PST

CRPA has cancelled all practices tonight.

February 13, 2017
Present: Dewey Hom, Bob Hammond, Scott Parrish, Warren Butler, Mike Parsons, Randy Bergman, Lee Molway, Jerry Bohacek, Ray Deluca
Absent: Ken Taylor, Ron O’Donnell
Topics Discussed:
• Cornerstone has agreed to be a Premier/Platinum Sponsor for $1,000.00
• New Dri-fit shirts will be $4.00 cheaper than previous shirts. Shirts need to be ordered for new sponsors.
• AL draft will be held Monday, February 20, 2017. All other drafts have yet to be determined.
• Practices will be held February 27/28, and March 1/6/7/8.
• Season begins March 13.
• Next meeting – March 6, 2017. Time and place to be determined.


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Posted by Dewey Hom at Feb 18, 2017 9:39AM PST

We are on for today.
2 PM

February 06, 2017
Present: Dewey Hom, Warren Butler, Ray Deluca, Mike Parson, Scott Parrish, Lee Molway, Randy Bergman, Jerry Bohacek
Absent: Ron O’Donnell

Dewey Hom calls meeting to order at 6:45

Topics Discussed:

• A presentation was made to the board by a new supplier for Jerseys. The Jerseys are of higher quality than we now receive and do not have the 3-button collar. The Moisture Wicking Athletic Shirts are at a price point lower than what we are currently paying. A decision was not made at this meeting.
• League schedules and Sponsor info flyer will be made into two separate handout publications. This year we are adding additional sponsors that are CSSA and not team specific.
• Scott Parrish will be working with the scorekeepers on a simplified tablet process. There is a need for additional score keepers. If interested, please contact Scott Parrish.
• Team Managers – Collection of fees, Waiver/Registration sheets (new, revised, or updated.) A player must write a separate check for each team they are playing on and needs to be turned into that team manager. Managers are to create a list and record the players name and check number and then give all to the league directors. Players are not to combine fees on one check for multiple leagues. This information will be on “Master List” compiled by Anne Ryan. The BOB will be discussing this at the managers meeting at the February mangers meeting Saturday the 11th at approximately 3:30 pm at Hobgood park.
• Maintenance of a “Master Data Base” for BOD of CSSA will done. This will allow for various data sorts for BOD, League Directors and often Coaches.
• To keep order at the evaluations it has been decided to have the players fill out their forms in the dugout. Tryout vest will be issued and number recorded on the waiver form. A new player without ID will be asked to produce ID before being allowed to play. If a large whiteboard is obtained, the name, day of choice, position and age will be posted. If no whiteboard is available, this same information will be announced. Please pay attention to get the information you need.
• Board members are posting roadside signs around the area advertising the CSSA tryouts.
• Motion made at last meeting to allow members turning 49 in current year to play be extended one more year. This will help recruiting and maintain a strong American and Masters league. Vote 7 – 0 in favor.
• Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Ray DeLuca and Scott Parrish seconded the motion. Approved by all.
• Next meeting March 6th 2017 at Gameday. 6:30 PM.