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Mar 2021 BOD Meeting

Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Apr 13 2021 at 01:39AM PDT in Spring 2021

March 8, 2021
The monthly meeting of the CSSA was held March 8, 2021, at GameDay Grill, and called to order by Norm Thiem at 6:30 PM.
Members present: Ray DeLuca, Andy Tubbs, Dick O’Conner, Bob Werner, Norm Thiem, Mike Parson, John Humeston, Robbie Crieder, Dewey Hom, Leland Brown

Absent: Randy Bergman & Brad Tafoya
A. Minutes from 2-08-21 meeting were read, and approved.
B. Sponsors updates were given, and 16 have been paid. Follow-up letters for renewals will be sent out this week.
C. Saturday & Sunday evaluations went well over the past two weekends. Approx. 48-50 new players coming into the CSSA.
D. Credit card process for the new players worked well. It took about 1 minute per transaction. Every returning player must pay before they can play, and it should ALL be done via the new credit card system. The cost to the CSSA for each transaction will be 1 ½% per transaction.
E. National League will consist of 5 teams (13 players); American League will consist of 6 teams (13 players); Masters League will consist of 6 teams (14 players). Other leagues will have at least 13 – 14 players according to player evaluations.
F. The BOD will address fees for players coming into the league after the start of the season at the next BOD meeting in April.
G. In order to accommodate the amount of players and for safety issues, players that are 69+ years old this year, playing on Tuesday nights, will move down to the Masters League for 2021 only.
H. Code of Conduct Rules and Liability Waver MUST be signed prior to playing in 1st game.
I. Tuesday night, March 16th, is scheduled for the testing of national League bats. No bats will be allowed to be on the field unless they have been labeled with player & serial number.
J. In the event of an injury, caused by a batted ball, the bat should be tested in ALL leagues.
K. Rosters need to be sent to the Commissioner the day after the draft.
L. Next BOD meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 5, 2021, at 6:30 PM at Gameday Grill.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM


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