CSSA Board of Directors Meeting - June 6, 2016
CSSA Board of Directors Meeting
June 6, 2016
Present: Warren Butler, Vice Commissioner; Glenn Peacock, Secretary; Mike Parson, American League Director; Ron O’Donnell, Master League Director; Ray DeLuca, Senior League Director; Jerry Bohacek, Legends League Director; Randy Bergman, Legacy League Director; Scott Parrish, Player Representative
Absents: Dewey Hom, Commissioner; Ken Taylor, Treasurer; Bruce Stokes, Lowell Lawson League Director
Warren Butler called the meeting to order at 6:42 pm
Secretary Minutes: May minutes presented and passed unanimously.
Treasurers Report: Financial report emailed to members. Beginning Balance $29,363.21. Ending Balance $13,502.17.
Revenue: $220.02
Expenses: $7,081.06
Topics discussed:
Electronic Scorekeeping:
The league implementation of Electronic Scorekeeping will be used during this summer abbreviated league schedule. Training is still ongoing.
First aid kits: Kits are being put together. Kits will contain but not limited to: ice packs, band aids, scissors, elastic wraps, alcohol and aspirin/Tylenol. Kits will be in possession of the umpires.
Player Evaluations: Open to both men and women.
July 12 (Tuesday) 7:00 p.m.
July 19 (Tuesday) 7:00 p.m.
July 23 (Saturday) 10:00 a.m.
Start of Fall 2016 will be August 8th, 2016
Womens League: The Association is presently recruiting women (40 and older) who would like to form a league. Anyone interested should contact any member of the association so that we can start compiling a list of potential players. League play will begin this fall season. Tentative date for start of play will be August 8th, 2016.
Summer League: Mike Parson is coordinating this league. Approximately 70 current players have expressed an interest in playing in the newly created Summer League. Games will be played starting June 14th, 21st, and the 28th. All on Tuesday night. A doubleheader will be played each Tuesday. A $30.00 fee per player will be the cost. Only one umpire will be used. A draft will occur among the players who sign up. Please notify your current manager if you are a definite. This league was created for players wishing to keep playing and to stay in shape and maintain softball skills. This is strictly a fun league, as no awards or statistics will be awarded or kept.
League Updates:
American League: A good competitive season.
Senior League: Accolades to managers and players for a good season.
Masters League: Losing two managers. A very competitive season.
Legends League: Competitive season.
Legacy League: Competitive season.
Lowell Lawson: Competitive season.
Other business: The fall banquet is scheduled for November 14th, 2016. Venue is still being sought.
A motion was made by Ron O’Donnell to accept Neil Horner as the new manager of the State Farm Tuesday night team. Pass unanimously.
Board Opening: Effective July 11th an opening for position of CSSA Secretary will be needed. Anyone wishing to get involved in our organization should contact either their League Director or any other board member expressing their desire to be considered immediately.
Next meeting 6:30 pm July 11, 2016.
Adjourned at 7:48 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Glenn H. Peacock