News and Announcements

Tryouts at Hobgood Park today have been cancelled due to inclement weather. Someone will be at the park for those who don’t see this note to take their information and will be advised of next week’s time and place.
Thank you..

Evaluations for Spring 2019 Leagues began this past Sat and Sun (9th & 10th) of which we had 19 those two days. We need more players for the coming season so everyone, get out there and promote CSSA organization please. All evaluations are based on abilities and not age so even if you haven’t played in several years, there is a team for you!
Yesterday (16th), even tho weather was not that conducive for playing, we had approximately 20 more prospective players tryout. Today Sun Feb 17, we will continue evaluations at Hobgood Park, Field #4 beginning at 1:00pm until weather or field conditions deteriorate.
Should today be cancelled, please check back here for notification – we will get it posted as soon as can.
NOTE – If needed due to weather etc., last evaluation date is Sun Feb 24, beginning 1:00pm at Carmel Elementary School, 2456 Bascomb Carmel Rd, Woodstock (approx 3mi south of Hobgood Park).
FYI Spring 2019 Season begins play the *WEEK of MARCH 25, 2019* and finishing mid June – as always, depending on how many rain-out dates experienced.
Each participant must register upon arrival, and receive a vest and ID number before taking the field. Players will get 10 swings from live pitching, infield and/or outfield evaluations and asked to run from home to first. During evaluations the evaluators will notify managers and team representatives of players: Name, ID number, age, position and their desire to play day, night or both.

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Posted by Robbie Crider at Feb 5, 2019 6:57AM PST ( 0 Comments )

February 4, 2019

The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board was held 2-4-2019, at R & M Hoagie Shop in Canton, and called to order by Norm Thiem at 6:30 PM;

Present members: Ray DeLuca, Bob Werner, Darrell Moreland, Norm Thiem, Mike Parson, Robbie Crider, Dewey Hom, John Humeston, Don DiSalvo, Ricky Shoup and Dick O’Conner;

Absent Members: Bob Hammond & Randy Bergman

A. Minutes for January were reviewed, discussed and approved

B. Financial Report: Net income for January $6906.69, and bank savings total of $8044.46. Currently the CSSA has a total liability and equity of $17,544.46. This was discussed & approved.

C. Evaluations for Spring Leagues begin this Saturday with the following dates & times:
1. February 9 & 10, from 1PM – 4PM at Hobgood Park
2. February 16 & 17 from 1PM – 4PM at Hobgood Park
3. February 24 from 1PM – 4PM at Bascomb Carmel Elementary * If necessary *
4. March 3 from 1PM – 4PM at Bascomb Carmel Elementary * If necessary *
Each participant must register upon arrival, and receive a vest and ID number before taking the field. Players will get 10 swings from live pitching, infield and/or outfield evaluations and asked to run from home to first. During evaluations the evaluators will notify managers and team representatives of players: Name, ID number, age, position and their desire to play day, night or both.

D. Signs for evaluations will be available on Wednesday, February 6, for any and all BOD members to post for advertising evaluations in various areas of the county.

E. Insurance for 2019 was re-purchased in the event of an accident or other type issue on the playing field. This includes: $2,000,000 for general aggregate, $1,000,000 for personal and advertising injury. The policy also contains various particulars for players and BOD members. The total for this policy is: $725 per year ($700 policy fee & $25 broker fee).

F. We are still looking for someone to step forward and take over the office of Treasurer for CSSA in 2019. Currently Dewey Hom & Norm Theim are sharing responsibilities, but we need someone to take this position over in full capacity. Please contact one of the board members to apply for this position.

G. Plaques have been ordered and will arrive this week to present to the 2018 sponsors. They will be hand delivered to those sponsors in order to show appreciation as well as to check on their status for renewing the 2019 season.

H. Practices will begin on Monday, March 18, 2019, at Hobgood Park.

I. Spring season will begin on Monday, March 25, 2019.

J. Ray McClure presented the CSSA Rule Book and Constitution that the newly formed Rules Committee has been working on over the past few months. They have recommended some changes, clarifications and additions to the CSSA BOD. These issues were seen and heard, and a follow-up meeting concerning these issues will be conducted on Monday, February 18, 2019. At that time the BOD will discuss and vote if what changes and/or additions will or will not be accepted.

K. Bats will be inspected for 2019. They will be inspected 1 team at a time in accordance to their practice times. All bats passing inspection will have a non removable label attached, that must be present whenever the bat is used.

L. Due to time restraints, the adding of 2 new awards for end of year beginning in 2019 was not discussed or voted. This will be held over to our next meeting;
1. Sportsman of the Year
2. Manager of the Year

M. Next meeting will take place 6:30PM, February 18, 2019, Gameday in Woodstock. This will mainly be used to discuss the Rule Book & Constitution changes presented by the Rules Committee.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association at Feb 1, 2019 2:22AM PST ( 1 Comment )

January 28, 2019

The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board was held 1-14-2019, at Game Day, and called to order by Norm Thiem at 6:15 PM;

Present members: Ray DeLuca, Bob Werner, Darrell Moreland, Norm Thiem, Mike Parson, Robbie Crider, Dewey Hom, John Humeston, Don DiSalvo, Ricky Shoup, Bob Hammond, Randy Bergman and Dick O’Conner;

Absent Members: 0

A. Treasures Report: Ending Balance for 2017 was $10,927.34, and ending balance for 2018 was $10,637.87. With some new added expenses, the CSSA is maintaining a balance within $300 of last year. The report was voted on and approved. We will also have Anne Ryan to publish financial statement to our website.

B. Sponsorships for the teams were discussed to see who’s in and who’s out. Currently there are only 3 paid sponsors for 2019. We need everyone on board AS WELL AS PLAYERS to work on existing and new sponsorships. Darrell agreed to sponsor a team for the upcoming year.

C. Since Ray arrived late the minutes for December had to wait to be discussed. Minutes were discussed, and only 1 correction needed to be made: Bob Hammond was present at the December meeting.

D. The recipients who received the donations, presented by the CSSA in December, were very grateful and express their sincere appreciation to the entire CSSA.

E. CPRA will be hosting an awards banquet on Thursday, 1-24-19, at the Bluffs in Canton, GA at 6:00 PM. Members of the BOD will attend and support the CPRA for all they do for our community.

F. We are still looking for someone to step forward and take over the office of Treasurer for CSSA in 2019. Please contact one of the board members to apply for this position.

G. Spring Evaluations will be conducted on the following dates and times:
1. Saturday – February 9, 2019 from 1-4 PM… Hobgood Park
2. Sunday – February 10, 2019 from 1-4 PM… Hobgood Park
3. Sunday – February 24, 2019 from 1-4 PM… Bascomb Carmel Elementary
4. Sunday – March 3, 2019 from 1-4 PM… Bascomb Carmel Elementary

H. Practices will begin on Monday, March 18, 2019, at Hobgood Park.

I. Spring season will begin on Monday, March 25, 2019.

J. The BOD discussed, voted and passed the measure to continue to allow 49 year old players to join the CSSA.

K. Discussed Programs for 2019:
1. New Tuesday Morning League
a. 2 teams for players that want to play an additional day, but are too high a level to play on Wednesday morning;
*Until we can determine how many people sign up for spring and wish to participate in this league it will be PLACED ON HOLD.

2. Revenue
a. Players fees will remain at $45;
b. One FREE ticket to banquet per sponsorship; this will save CSSA approx $250

3. Discretionary Expenses
a. Reduce insurance coverage from $2MM to $1MM for D&O… save $468
b. Increase the number & types of awards… cost $240
c. Increase end of season cook-out fund; $200/league… cost $900
d. Fewer Championship Shirts. No co-champs… save $450
e. Set banquet budget at $1000 over ticket sales… save $500
f. No capital expenditures… save $1,675
g. Increase recruitment budget… cost $750
h. No softball sales… cost $665
i. Team-pages fees… cost $695

4. Net change in income… saves $325

L. Add 2 new awards for end of year. This will be discussed & voted at next meeting;
1. Sportsman of the Year
2. Manager of the Year

M. Next meeting will take place 6:30PM, February 4, 2019, R & M Hoagie Shop, 117 E. Main St, Canton, GA

Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

Spring season is just around the corner!!! CSSA will hold their tryouts and evaluations on Sat Feb 9, Sun Feb 10, Sat Feb 16 and Sun Feb 17, 2019 starting at 1:00pm each day until 5:00pm at our home park – Hobgood Park, Woodstock, GA. Park is located at the Corner of Bells Ferry Road and Towne Lake Parkway with evaluations being held on Field #4*.
Player eligibility is for those men age 49 through even mid 80’s, and is based on skill levels – not ages as with some leagues. CSSA offers 8 league levels playing Monday and Wednesday mornings, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Currently we have 36 teams with approximately 425 members some of which play on multiple teams during the week. Come out and join us for fun, exercise and comradery of the finest.
League play begins approximately week of March 25, 2019.
In the event of inclement weather, please check website for rescheduling information.
For questions or other information requests, please contact Norm Thiem at or call 770-757-8467.